Doing Things Your Way Day Over Day

alarm clock with green background

Establishing a routine for yourself is one of the best ways you can ensure that you’re going to feel and perform at your best day in and day out. Feeling your best consistently isn’t something that just happens by chance. Feeling great today isn’t likely to happen just because you woke up and wished it would be that way. Getting a great night’s sleep isn’t likely to happen because it’s been a long day and you’re exhausted.

These are hard lessons that I’ve learned over time and unfortunately continue to learn on a regular basis. I feel my best when I’m able to get in a groove and stick to a routine that works for me day over day. Everyone is unique and therefore, what works for me will not work for you. Below are some ideas that you can try to incorporate into your routine. Hopefully, one piece of my routine works for you, and please feel free to share with me some of what works for you!

Feeling Your Best

Here are some things that I find help me feel my best when I’m able to find time for them on a consistent basis:

Wake up Early

I’ve got 4 kids, a dog, a beautiful wife, a home and a job…all of which require their own love and attention, rightly so. I find that waking up early, before anyone else in the house is a awake, helps to start my day with a certain peace that I just can’t find when I wake up with the rest of the house. Waking up early is essential to being able to find time for my routine, and it helps me start my day feeling as though I’ve got a leg up on the competition.

Drink water

One of my favorite quotes comes from Willie Nelson – “Piss more; you’ll live longer.” Check out his book, The Tao of Willie. Consistently drinking water is absolutely essential to feeling healthy and performing at your best. Start your day off with a tall glass and you’re headed in the right direction.


I’ve been doing HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts for a couple years now. These types of workouts have allowed me to incorporate the exercise my body needs without taking up hours of my day. Time management is key with so much going on on the home and career fronts.

Another essential thing to include in your day is stretching. Even without a full blown workout, regular stretching sessions will help you get your body loose and strong and get ready for chasing those kids and then sitting for your Zoom meetings. Here is a video that I find myself doing at least a handful of times a week. It’ll take up about 6 minutes of your day and get your primed for being the leader you need to be.


Sometimes I’ll go with free video HIIT workouts via YouTube. Sometimes it’s just a hodge podge of cardio, weights, yoga and whatever comes to mind that day. What’s most important is that you get the muscles moving and your brain will follow.


5 minutes. 10 minutes. 1 minute. Who cares. The point is find some peaceful time alone to become more aware of your body, your mind and how you’re feeling in every sense of the word. It’s weird to start for sure, but over time I’ve found that it helps me to focus and be more present throughout the day using the skills I try and develop during these quick sessions.

Drink water

Yup, back to this.


This could be 1 line, 1 page or 10 pages. It could be inspired by what you read recently, what you’re planning on doing that day or just how you’re feeling. Similar to meditation, I find that it helps me to simply become more aware, more present and as a result. more productive.

Drink coffee

See my first point – I’ve got 4 kids, a dog, a wifey…give me coffee.

Eat a healthy breakfast and plan for healthy eating throughout the day.

At this point, someone in my house is awake and we’re off to the races. A routine is like the foundation for the day and I’ve found that if I can consistently incorporate some form of a routine, this strong foundation will allow for a more positive and healthy day, week, month, etc. Before you know it, you’ll naturally become a more positive person simply because you’re used to doing it.

Recommendation on Habits

James Clear will tell you more about the power of Atomic Habits so start small and build yourself a life that will make you happier and one that you can be proud of…starting with a repeatable, and enjoyable routine. Pick up the book here.

About the Author

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