Five Easy Ways to Build a Strong Mindset Today

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“Mindset” is a buzzword in the personal development space these days but what does it really mean?

Verywellmind talks about what it is and why it matters here. In short:

Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. It means that what you believe about yourself impacts your success or failure.

– Verywellmind

When it comes to building a strong parenting game, mindset is everything. How you perceive the world around you will ultimately drive your external actions, which impact your ability to lead yourself and your family.

Looking at the world around you with a “why me?” mentality is destructive and will wear you down one event at a time when things don’t go as you hope they would. Successful leaders and parents, on the other hand, put themselves in the driver’s seat by building a strong mentality. They take control of their thoughts and actions to better serve themselves and their teams.

But how?

If you’re looking to get to and stay at the top of your parenting game, here are five ways to strengthen your mindset and become the leader you want to be today.

Set small goals

Big goals are exciting but can be daunting. Setting and achieving small goals will give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your confidence. 

For example, don’t look at the 5-mile run as a whole and get discouraged because it’s a lot to take on.

Look at making it to the next stop sign. Once that goal is completed, set your sights on nothing but the next one.

This approach can be applied to all types of goals in your life. Break it down and stay positive.

Move Your Body

Have you ever felt worse after exercising (assuming you don’t injure yourself)?


Moving your body relieves stress and shocks you out of whatever funk you may be in.

Everyone’s different so do whatever you enjoy most and what makes you feel good:

  • Lift
  • Run
  • HIIT
  • Bike
  • Walk

I personally love HIIT workouts, which you can read more about here. They’re super efficient and even something you can do with your kids.

Practice Gratitude

Set aside a few minutes in the morning to quietly reflect on what you’re grateful for.

  • Food
  • Family
  • Health
  • Shelter
  • Big things
  • Little things

Do this regularly and you’ll naturally start to look for the positive in things.

Bring it Back to Your Roots

What did you love doing as a kid?

  • A sport?
  • Painting?
  • Collecting something?

Life was far more simple as a kid so consider trying something that brought you joy back then.

There’s a good chance it still brings you joy today.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Don’t spend time with people who suck. They’ll drain your energy and you’ll naturally start to look at life just as they do, seeing the negative in everything around you.

Instead, spend time with people who uplift and inspire you. These people will bring out the best in you and support you on your journey to grow as a person.

You may also consider finding some podcasts on topics that put you in a better mood and teach you something.

Regardless of the source, make sure you keep the positivity coming from all angles.


In all of this, remember that being positive takes time and consistent effort. People aren’t “just happy.” They work at it.

Be patient with yourself and implement some of these ideas to see the positive impact they can have on your mindset and overall quality of life.

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